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Aspen bedding

ABEDD Aspen Bedding material creates the ideal environments for your animals in which all their psychological, physiological, and ethnological needs are satisfied. Scientific studies have proven that this leads to reduced stress levels as well as less behavioral abnormalities in the animals.

All ABEDD enrichment products meet the European Union guidelines for humane keeping of animals as laid out in the animal welfare act EU 2010/63 Article 33, Appendix 3 Part A

The bedding is made of fresh, healthy and decorticated aspen wood (populous tremula) grown in toxicologically free areas.  It has superior level of absorbency and odour absorption. ABEDD Aspen beddings are dust free and autoclavable and if requested gamma-irradiated as well.

Poduced in 4 chip sizes. Packaging: autoclavable polypropylene woven bags.